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  1. Select a theme that you think best represents your response's subject matter
  2. Click and enter a title & subtitle
  3. If you've got an image you'd like to add, click the holding image, upload your image, add a caption
  4. Enter the main copy in your response here, by simply clicking and typing - select words to format them
  5. Optional - Enter the venue your response might be associated with
  6. Optional - Choose the film that your response might relate to
  7. Optional - Choose the article that your response might relate to
  8. Optional - Choose an event that your response might relate to
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Not about a film

I Am Not A Witch

directed by Rungano Nyoni

Following a banal incident in her local village, 8-year old girl Shula is accused of witchcraft. After a short trial she is found guilty, taken into state custody and exiled to a witch camp in the middle of a desert. At the camp she takes part in an initiation ceremony where she is shown the rules surrounding her new life as a witch. Like the other residents, Shula is tied to a ribbon which is attached to a coil that perches in a large tree. She is told that should she ever cut the ribbon, she'll be cursed and transformed into a goat.

Made in Dagenham

directed by Nigel Cole

An inspirational, feel-good film about the fight for equal pay - Made in Dagenham is set during the successful strike by 187 women car workers in the Ford Dagenham factory in 1968. Working in extremely impoverished conditions and for long arduous hours, the women finally lay down their tools when they are reclassified as "unskilled". In a protest that eventually leads to the Equal Pay Act; they take on their corporate paymasters, an increasingly belligerent local community, and finally the male-dominated House of Commons itself.

Supreme Price

directed by Joanna Lipper

This vital and remarkable story traces the evolution of the Pro-Democracy Movement in Nigeria and the determination to increase the participation of women in leadership. Following the annulment of her father's victory in Nigeria's Presidential Election and her mother's assassination by agents of the military dictatorship, Hafsat Abiola faces the challenge of transforming a corrupt culture of governance into a democracy capable of serving Nigeria's most marginalized population: women.


Not a response to article


Not a response to an event